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FzMovies - Searching for Family movies in Hollywood Dubbed Movies
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Searching for Family movies in Hollywood Dubbed Movies by Most Downloaded
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Mulan [Hindi] (2020) (WEBRip)
A young Chinese maiden disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father. A live-action feature film based on Disney's 'Mulan.'

Aladdin [Hindi] (2019) (BDRip)
A kind-hearted street urchin Aladdin vies for the love of the beautiful princess Jasmine, the princess of Agrabah. When he finds a magic lamp, he uses

A X L [Hindi] (2018) (BluRay)
A.X.L. is a top-secret, robotic dog created by the military to help protect tomorrow's soldiers. Code named by the scientists who created him, A.X.L.

The Lion King [Hindi] (2019) (BluRay)
In Africa, the lion cub Simba is the pride and joy of his parents King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi. Mufasa prepares Simba to be the next king of the jungl

Tom and Jerry [Hindi] (2021) (WEB-DL)
Adaptation of the classic Hanna-Barbera property, which reveals how Tom and Jerry first meet and form their rivalry.

The Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019) (BluRay)
After saving Bird Island from an all-out green-pig invasion in The Angry Birds Movie (2016), the isle's always cranky local hero, Red, still finds him

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone [Hindi] (2001) (BluRay)
This is the tale of Harry Potter, an ordinary 11-year-old boy serving as a sort of slave for his aunt and uncle who learns that he is actually a wizar

Dolittle [Hindi] (2020) (HDRip)
After his wife's death, Dr. John Dolittle (Robert Downey, Jr.) decided to hide from the world with his beloved animals. But he has to take a journey t

Alpha [Hindi] (2018) (BluRay)
An epic adventure set in the last Ice Age, Alpha is a fascinating, visually stunning story that shines a light on the origins of man's best friend. Wh

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [Hindi] (2002) (BluRay)
Forced to spend his summer holidays with his muggle relations, Harry Potter gets a real shock when he gets a surprise visitor: Dobby the house-elf, wh

Frozen 2 [Hindi] (2019) (BDRip)
Having harnessed her ever-growing power after lifting the dreadful curse of the eternal winter in Frozen (2013), the beautiful conjurer of snow and ic

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [Hindi] (2009) (BluRay)
In Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Harry finds a book marked mysteriously, "This book is the property of the Half Blo

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [Hindi] (2004) (BluRay)
Harry Potter is having a tough time with his relatives (yet again). He runs away after using magic to inflate Uncle Vernon's sister Marge who was bein

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [Hindi] (2005) (BluRay)
Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts is about to start and he is enjoying the summer vacation with his friends. They get the tickets to The Quidditch World

Maleficent Mistress of Evil [Hindi] (2019) (BluRay)
Five peaceful years have passed since the demise of the duplicitous monarch, King Stefan, in Maleficent (2014), and, now, an unforeseen but joyous eve

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix [Hindi] (2007) (BluRay)
After a lonely summer on Privet Drive, Harry returns to a Hogwarts full of ill-fortune. Few of students and parents believe him or Dumbledore that Vol

Dora and the Lost City of Gold [Hindi] (2019) (BluRay)
Having spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, nothing could prepare Dora for her most dangerous adventure ever: high school. Al

The Call of the Wild [Hindi] (2020) (HDRip)
The Call of the Wild is a vibrant story of Buck, a big and kindhearted dog, a crossbreed between a St. Bernard and a Scotch Collie, whose carefree lif

Latte and the Magic Waterstone [Hindi] (2020) (BluRay)
Follows the journey of a young hedgehog who wants to save the forest and its inhabitants from a horrible drought by reclaim a magical waterstone from

The Jungle Book [Hindi] (2016) (BluRay)
The man-cub Mowgli flees the jungle after a threat from the tiger Shere Khan. Guided by Bagheera the panther and the bear Baloo, Mowgli embarks on a j

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